About my City Vaasa

City of Vaasa is located in the narrowest point of the Gulf of Bothnia. Vaasa (The capital of Ostrobothnia) has over 67 000 inhabitants; 69% speak Finnish as their mother tongue, 23% speak Swedish and 8% speak other languages.

Vaasa area
Total area575 sq km
-land364 sq km
-water210 sq km
Shoreline473 km
-mainland shoreline80 km
-archipelago shoreline313 km
-lake shoreline80 km

In 1606 Charles IX founded the town of Vaasa around the oldest harbour and trading point in Ostrobothnia. In 1852 Vaasa was burnt to the ground, and in 1862 the new town of Vaasa was built on the Klemetsö headland 7 km from the old town.

Vaasa on the map

Some pictures from Vaasa

Statue of liberty
Finland's statue of liberty at Vaasa market square
View from the water tower
View from the water tower
Hotel Astor at Vaasa downtown
Hotel Astor at Vaasa downtown
Picture from the ruin area at old Vaasa
Saint Mary's Church ruins at the old Vaasa ruin area
The monument for Finnish aviation
The monument for Finnish aviation (a Sea eagle)
People walking in the city centre near Vaasa market square
People walking in the city centre near Vaasa market square
Restaurant ship Faros
The road on the left leads to the city centre. Restaurant ship Faros (ARLHS FIN-103, Lightship Kalbådagrund) is on the right.
Mustasaari church
Mustasaari church

All pictures: © 56FL001, Timo

More info about Vaasa

For more info about Vaasa you can visit:

And for more info about Ostrobothnia:

The Kvarken archipelago is on UNESCO's world heritage list: